Improving quality of life
Therapia specializes in articulation disorders, speech and vocal quality, tongue thrusting, low resting tongue posture, elimination of oral habits, feeding disorders, picky-eating habits, lactation, breastfeeding, bottle feeding, and open mouth posture and mouth breathing.
Speech sound production is assessed to determine underlying orofacial disparities impacting posture, placement, and strength of the tongue, lips, and jaw.
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy
The re-education and re-patterning of the oral and facial structures and muscles to support optimal speech, breathing, chewing, and swallowing. Elimination of oral habits such as prolonged pacifier use, thumb sucking, finger sucking, and nail-biting.
Lactation & Infant Feeding
Supporting breast milk production and longevity, development of an effective latch to the breast and bottle, and increased coordination in the suck-swallow-breathe pattern.
Management of picky eating and food aversions. Advancement of effective chewing and swallowing patterns. Elimination of tongue thrusting behaviors.
Use of Buteyko Breathing Methodology to achieve and optimize nasal and diaphragmatic breathing.